Friday, November 19, 2010

Warrantless Wiretapping

Warrantless wiretapping is the monitoring of your phone calls by the government without a warrant. I believe that it is helpful that the government does this, warrant or not. Some people believe that it is an invasion of your privacy, which in ways it is, but it is also keeping our country safe. The only reason the government is doing this is to prevent terrorists threats. They are not sitting in and just listening to the conversation you are your friend is having about cars. I think it is extremely helpful. Yes, it would be nice if they had a warrant, but since they don't I believe it is still fine. However, when it reaches a point where the government is using it to just listen in on conversations and not for official use, that's when it becomes a problem and an invasion of our rights. Or even if the government is not using it and just a third party is using it, that is an invasion of our privacy and that also crosses the line of our rights.


  1. I agree. I think that the information gained from wiretapping makes it well worth it. However, I don't think that the government should be able to condemn the people they are eavesdropping on for something unrelated to the information they are looking for. For example, if they are looking for evidence of potential terrorist attacks but instead find something about drug smuggling, they should not be able to use that information to convict them.

  2. I have heard stories about people listening in on irrelevant conversations just for entertainment, but these are probably far and few between. Aside from stories such as these, I think that if what they are listening to relevant material, it is vital to do this to protect our safety. However, I think that it should be executed in appropriate ways.

  3. I'm kinda curious as to what else the government feels that they should be able to do without a what point will they be completely satisfied with our security and will we have any form of privacy by then?
