Friday, November 19, 2010

Medical Marijuana: legal in Arizona

Many states have already passed laws for medical marijuana to be acceptable. Arizona is the newest addition. I find it very funny that the federal government is against the usage of marijuana in general, yet state after state is making it legal for medical purposes. Although prop 19 in California did not pass, I do believe the issue will come up again and we will soon revote for it. I do believe it will pass one day and i think that once California passes it, other states will follow, just like the issue with the medical marijuana. California was the first state to legalize it for medical purposes and after that, other states followed. Again, i find it very funny that all of this most likely will end up happening and yet the federal government is still against it. Thoughts?

1 comment:

  1. I think medaical marijuana should be legal under all governments. If used in appropriate, responsible ways, marijuana is a much more natural way than all those other drugs prescribed to patients to cope with their illness.
