Sunday, September 26, 2010


I think that the voting age should never be lowered to anything less than 18. If anything, I feel like they should raise the age. Some people, even at 18, haven't matured yet and they don't know what they want, or what they are doing. Some vote based off of silly things and not the actual facts. I'm not saying all voters do this, but some do and if it were possible, i feel as if the voting age should be raised.


  1. I Feel the same way, people take voting for granted many countries don't get the same freedoms that we do. People need to know that we need to be serious when it comes to voting and act mature.

  2. I agree that the voting age should be no less than eighteen. It is important for voters to be interested and informed on politics before they are allowed to vote. I don't think that the majority of teens are ready for this until at least the age of eighteen.

  3. i agree with you in that some people are not mature... but i also think if you have gone threw high school and you have gone threw classes that educate you on the topics of ewhat going on the the world then you are ready to vote.

  4. I also agree with your view that 18 is in some ways too young for an individual to vote on such important matters such as president and laws for the United States. if lowered, the average level of eduction of voters would decrease. this would further how we take this great rite for granted.

  5. I agree that the age should never be lowered farther that 18, but not that it should be raised. Should at 18 one be able to die for their country, but not be eligible to vote?

  6. I agree as well with your opinion that the voting age should not be lowered below 18. Most teenagers under the age of 18 have not fully developed their own views and are influenced a lot by friends and family, etc. The voting age should stay at 18, no lower and no higher. 18 is a good age because people start to become more independent and their vote will reflect what they actually believe, not what other people have told them.

  7. I agree with NICHOLE. When a person turns 18, they are considered an adult. They should be able to influence what our nation can do in more ways than just fighting for it.

  8. Although you do make a good point that by the age of eighteen, a persons political views may not be completely solidified and some still lack alot of maturity, the same is true for some Americans of all ages across the board. The decisions of the politicians of our country have just as much affect on the youth as they do on adults, so I feel like people at a younger age should be entitled to vote.

  9. I agree with you that older people should vote. Although in general more liberal campaigns would appreiciate the more liberal vote from younger people, these people should know what there voting for, and dont quite have a solid view of they think, mabey what there family thinks.

  10. I totally agree with you. Young people who can vote are not educated enough about what they are voting about or who they are voting for.

  11. I agree that the age should not be lowered to less than 18, but Nikki brought up an interesting point about serving your country and not being able to vote. On the other hand, a person has better understanding and experience the older you are, so on that note, maybe the age could be higher, but not too much higher. I feel that if the age was raised a major amount, then we might now pay as much attention and loose interest about what is going on.

  12. I agree, I think a lot a Americans develop their political views by 18, but not their understanding. Which makes me wonder what good is a persons political input based on poor understanding of our countries political structure. If anything it should be higher, as most of you said.
