Wednesday, September 29, 2010

2010 Meg Whitman vs. Jerry Brown

Well that was an interesting debate. It seemed as if Brown never fully answered any of the questions, where as Whitman seemed more collected and actually answered the questions without hesitation. If you notice, Brown lost his train of thought a couple of times and seemed almost unprofessional at times. As Levin said, he seemed like a crazy old man, which he did. His thoughts were all mixed up and in my view, he didn't seem like he could handle it. I know he was governor once, a long time ago, but why is he running again? Whitman seemed like she knew what she was talking about and the points she was making were very strong and though out. No matter how awkward her facial expressions were, she delivered her speech very well. She also made very good rebuttals and points against Brown. I think she seems like a better governor since she made strong points that seems like she can actually follow through with and overall seemed more calm and collected. Do we want a governor who doesn't fully answer the questions and looses their train of thought? Or do we want someone who can handle the hardships they are faced with?

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Pg 84

The reason my political views are the way that they are, are because of my family. My dad's views have rubbed off on me because of the fact that he states them so openly and a lot of what he is saying, i agree with. So most of his views and opinions i agree with since he's always stating them and making good points that make them convincing and want to believe it. He also looks at the other side of the views and shows how it's flawed to make his view more believable. So,my party affiliation is the same as my father's since his ideas about it appeal to me.


I think that the voting age should never be lowered to anything less than 18. If anything, I feel like they should raise the age. Some people, even at 18, haven't matured yet and they don't know what they want, or what they are doing. Some vote based off of silly things and not the actual facts. I'm not saying all voters do this, but some do and if it were possible, i feel as if the voting age should be raised.


I think Obama should renew the Bush tax cuts. If Obama tax's the rich more, they aren't going to reach out and build more industries or make it so that jobs can be made since they feel like they are getting taxed more, they want to save their money, not spend it. I feel like the Bush tax cuts were such a good thing, because it created more job opportunities. I feel as though when the Bush tax cuts expire, even more people will not have jobs since the rich won't reach out and create those job opportunities.